Under the spotlight

IDSIA: the Swiss AI Lab

IDSIA: the Swiss AI Lab

The Swiss AI Lab IDSIA (Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale) is a joint research institute of both the Faculty of Informatics of the Università della Svizzera Italiana and the Department of Innovative Technologies of SUPSI, the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland.
We focus on various aspects of artificial intelligence: algorithms and theory of AI and computer science, machine learning (deep neural networks, graph neural networks, reinforcement learning), intelligent control of networked systems, geometric and visual computing, information retrieval and natural language processing, and autonomous robotics.

IDSIA contributes to the SUPSI Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

IDSIA contributes to the SUPSI Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Since September 2020 a BSc course in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence is offered at SUPSI DTI. IDSIA researchers have been heavily involved in the conception and planning of this new curriculum.

IDSIA researchers won 9 international competitions

IDSIA researchers won 9 international competitions

Our neural networks research team has won nine international competitions in machine learning and pattern recognition.
Click to learn more about the methods that allowed us to achieve these results.
